Tommy Lasorda brief
Tommy Lasorda estimates that net worth, biography, age, height, dating, relationship records, salary, income, cars, lifestyle and many more are given below. Let's check, how rich is Tommy Lasorda in 2020-2021? Scroll down and check out more information about current net worth as well as monthly / yearly salary, expenses, income reports!
Tommy Lasorda profile
Thomas Charles Lasorda (September 22, 1927 - January 7, 2021) was an American professional baseball pitcher, coach and manager. He managed the Los Angeles Dodgers of Major League Baseball (MLB) between 1976 and 1996. In 1997, he was inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame as a manager.
Lasorda played in the MLB for the Dodgers in 1954 and 1955 and for the Kansas City Athletics in 1956. He coached the Dodgers from 1973 to 1976 before taking over as manager. Lasorda has won two World Series championships as Dodgers manager and has twice been named National League Manager of the Year. The Dodgers retired their equal number in his honor.
On Popular profile, he was a successful player. He is listed as a celebrity born on September 22, 1927. He was professional baseball pitcher, coach and also a manager and born in Norristown, PA. He also has a place in the list of popular player. Tommy Lasorda is one of the famous people in our database who is 93 years old.
Short Profile | |
First Name | Tommy |
Last Name | Lasorda |
Profession | pro baseball pitcher, coach manager |
Age | 93 years old |
Birth Sign | Virgo |
Birth Date | September 22, 1927 |
Birth Place | Norristown |
Country | United States |
Tommy Lasorda Net Worth
Tommy Lasorda estimates that net worth, salary, income, cars, lifestyle and many other details are given below. Let's check, how rich is Tommy Lasorda in 2020-2021?
According to Wikipedia, Forbes, IMDB and various online resources, the total value of the famous politician Tommy Lasorda at the age of 93 is 14 million dollars. He earned this money as a professional baseball pitcher, coach and also a manager . He is from Norristown.
Tommy Lasorda Net Worth is nearly:
$14 Million
Estimated Net Worth in 2021 | Under Review |
Previous Year’s Net Worth (2020) | Under Review |
Annual Salary | Under Review. |
Income Source | Primary Income source Politician (profession). |
Net Worth Verification Status | Not Verified |
Age, Height & Body Measurements
Tommy Lasorda was 93 years old . Tommy Lasorda height was 6.1 ft and weight was 110 kg. Full body measurements, clothing and shoe sizes will be updated soon.
Tommy Lasorda Personal Life
Lasurada was the second of five sons born. He and his baptismal wife, a Roman Catholic practitioner, were married in 1950. A priest will visit Lasorda on Sunday to offer Mass for Catholic athletes at the Dodger Games. The couple met in Greenville, South Carolina, while Lesorda was playing there. Greenwell Spinners. He lived in Flirton, California for more than 50 years and had two children. He named a gymnasium and youth center in Linda, California, Europe, on September 7, 1999, in memory of his son, Tom Jr. In 1991, Tom Jr. (known as "Spinky") died of AIDS-related complications. Lasorda denied that her son was gay. According to sports writer Bill Plasske, she insisted that her son had died of cancer.
Facts About Tommy Lasorda
Tommy Lasorda was 93 years old.
Birthday September 22, 1927.
Birth sign Virgo.
He was professional baseball pitcher, coach and also a manager and born in Norristown, PA.